Enneagram Type 6 -
The Loyalist -
Enneagram type 6, The charming and indecipherable loyalist, the one who is steadfast with earnest gestures. The one that explores both extremes looking for what’s safe, and undeniably desires a faithful relationship to feel supported and accompanied.

Enneagram Type 6: The Loyalist
The loyal, faithful believer and the skeptical one. Yes, Enneagram 6s are kind of an embodied contradiction. With a sharpened analytical sense, they scan over people and the environment to detect any possible threats. People’s inconsistencies are clear red flags Type 6s don’t miss. Even written and proven things—such as the ones explained here—need to win their trust. That’s intimately attached to Sixes’ steady loyalty and their values. This analytical sense can also make them very anxious and lead them at times to self-sabotage. As the Loyalist only trusts their own resources, they experience less anxiety and tension. This allows them to navigate life more smoothly, and they can take their loyalty and charm to the highest level.
What Motivates Enneagram Type 6?
The truth is—drum roll—nobody can hurt Sixes. Their strengths, their restless pursuit of a place to call home, is like the light of a star that travels through space to reach the unknown. All they have been through shows that Type 6s can deal with anything, but they work better when they are open-hearted. Nobody knows what is ahead of them; uncertainty is a part of life, and despite their strength and resilience, they cannot predict or control everything that will happen.
To let go of the rope and lower their defenses, Enneagram 6s just need to feel supported, to finally find that place or person that makes them feel safe. However, the problem is that their inability to find anything genuine by being defensive gets in the way. They often find themselves feeling that they are not yet ready to take the risk to enter into a supported relationship that they deeply desire.
How Does Enneagram Type Six Think?
“It’s either one way or the other; there’s no middle ground.” – That’s Enneagram 6’s motto. Although having a middle ground can work well for the rest of the types, Sixes are different. They try to fit in a certain fixed position, but their willingness to find out the truth, what’s right and safe, gets them bouncing from place to place, causing them to lose their well-known steadiness. They feel they have the right to doubt everything; nothing can control them unless they allow it. In other words, the Loyalist is like Hannah Montana: they get the best of both worlds, going back and forth between two poles, afraid to stay in the wrong place. The self-image they have is both weak and strong, capable and powerless, passive and aggressive, and so on.
How's Enneagram Type 6 In Love?
In the field of love, Enneagram 6s are like a peacock. (Hey, don’t underestimate the sexual power of a peacock. Their special plumage is designed to attract their potential mate’s attention.) When Sixes like someone, they present their virtues and securities and display their appearance with extreme care, radiating security and a challenging attitude against authority.
Usually, Type 6s look up to powerful figures that inspire them and they measure themselves with them. They like to know where people stand, so they’re constantly proving themselves to others and to themselves as well. Sometimes, when anxious or under stress, Enneagram Sixes react against people that support them which can hurt their relationships. Deeply, Type 6s are saying, “Love me and I’ll be yours,” but sometimes it’s hard for other people to get to them since Sixes keep them distant in an effort to be in control.
The Best & The Worst Of Enneagram 6s. The Light And The Darkness
Nobody can change their values. Enneagram 6s’ steadiness is as solemn as a flag pole and is the foundation upon which they base their decisions. Values are their essence. However, as soon as fear takes over, they start to swarm towards extreme stances. Unbending as they are, Sixes can’t show their weakness so they instead take extreme measures even if they aren’t 100% sure of their decisions; they would rather take these extreme stances than hesitate and show uncertainty.
Average Enneagram Type 6
In an average state, Enneagram Type 6s look for supportive people but at the same time are afraid of losing their independence. That fine balance is hard to achieve because it may turn into a power competition since they are paranoid they might be deceived. Sixes’ analytic skills keep them always one step ahead so they feel prepared and safe for anything that might happen—even the worst case scenario. Slowly, Type 6s find themselves getting into a constant state of alarm which makes them defensive and react aggressively.

Unhealthy Enneagram Type 6
Suspicious and wounded, Sixes may bark and bite if needed. They hope they don’t have to react like that—it’s not pleasant. Still, at the same time it feels good as they feel they are guarding their space. Loyalty and good values are very precious to Enneagram Type 6s, so they believe they are hard to find and everyone deserves to receive these from them. In the bottom of the darkness, Type Sixes beg for support since they don’t trust themselves anymore. At the same time, if they’re not worth it, why trust people that approach them with good intentions? In their minds, everyone seems so cynical. Remember what Dumbledore said, “Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?” It’s definitely real. What is happening inside their heads is humanity’s story and pains reaching out, willing to be enlightened.

Healthy Enneagram Type 6
Once Enneagram Type 6s give themselves what they’re looking for in others, they feel authentic freedom. There is no more need of holding their banners up elsewhere because they belong to them (this is such a graceful feeling!) and their defensive walls break down. Nothing is more silent than an open heart; all the mind noise will shush. The backwaters attract beautiful creatures; when Sixes create a calm and open environment within themselves, they will attract positive and beautiful experiences and people into their lives.Type 6s will unfailingly find what they need to feel complete. Faithful, hopeful, and friendly. There is no need for any peacock mating performance. Their own energy is irresistible in itself. Their natural surrender to love finally seizes the moment.

Enneagram Types
Explore The 9 Personality Types

Enneagram 1
The Reformer is the idealist and principled. The one who, self-convinced and justice-oriented, raises things up to their highest version.

Enneagram 2
In love of the love. The Helper is the one who loves to please and irradiate kindness by delivering themselves to others.

Enneagram 3
The Achiever is an Energic type with a lot of self-awareness that could turn into someone empowered. They are pure potential and determination.

Enneagram 4
The Individualist, Eternal Walker Of The Inward Halls, Who Can Create A Masterpiece And Has To Trespass Inner Currents To Reach The Natural Self.

Enneagram 5
The Investigator Of The Golden Source, The Tenacious Explorer Of The Human Mind That Grabs In His Hand Secretive Brilliance.

Enneagram 6
The Loyalist, Tenacious Guardians Of Their Values, Will Fight For Safety And Consistency. Friendly And Earnest. They Embody The Contradictions.

Enneagram 7
The Enthusiast, the Multitasker & Cheerful. The One Who Thinks Is Getting Late For Somewhere Or That Is Missing Something Important.

Enneagram 8
The Challenger, The Rampaging Spirit That Wants To Eat The World. Powerful & Self-Confident And Is Always On The Defense.

Enneagram 9
The Peacemaker The Reassuring Ones, Who Try To Keep Peace Of Mind And Serenity Whether Inside And Outside Of Them.