Enneagram 9w1 -The Dreamer-
Enneagram type 9 wing 1: The Dreamer is a subtype that results from the encounter of types 9 and 1, which means that the natural easygoing and serene style of Nines meets a little of the principled and idealist concerns of the Ones. The final product is an Enneagram type that loves to participate in community issues, trying to solve and transform things in order to keep peace and harmony.
The enneagram 9 wing 1 overview
Enneagram 9 wing 1 types are very critical, sarcastic, and have a sharpened sense of justice. As they are reasonable people, they tend to analyze things, tell right from wrong, and set a whole new path that’s better than the already existing one.
Dreamers can see the whole picture. They can easily make conclusions and decisions. They can’t stand viewing things as a mandate; if something is not good, they will let people know. They can also keep their temper and good humor, so most people enjoy their company. They’re easygoing, smiley, and sweet. They usually know exactly what to say to calm people down and how to embrace others. 9w1 types are balance seekers. They need to be balanced and in a joyful state of mind; otherwise, they get really anxious and moody. Conflicts are not their forte, but when moved by morals and their ideals, they stay and face their issues.
Enneagram 9w1 Personality Traits
Basic Fear
Enneagram 9w1’s most basic fear is to be alone and drift away from the world and their life. Most of the time, this means they are scared to death of being absorbed by problems and lose course. Problems and setbacks mean they can’t keep on living their life the way they want: relaxed and optimistic. Incorporating and naturalizing problems as part of life or even as growth opportunities will set them free and allow them to evolve and accomplish their main desire: to be in peace. Also, this new approach will increase their ability to get involved and participate in life’s shaping.
Basic Desire
Enneagram type 9 wing 1’s most basic desire is being balanced and enjoying their peace of mind. It sounds like something that anyone would die for, but they truly fight to maintain and ensure a good and peaceful environment around them. A lot of people are used to life’s swings, but 9w1s are more into Hula dancing and sunny days. They love to imagine the best and healthier version of things and strive to align reality with these parameters. Also, they are truly idealistic and feel called to get involved with reality issues and offer their help.
Enneagram 9w1 strengths
Enneagram 9w1 strengths come from their ability to be open-hearted and open-minded. They give themselves to the world to make it a better place. While the attitude they embody can be reassuring, empathetic, and optimistic, they don’t feel the need to always be right, but want to do the right thing and be fair. They are also highly motivated by ethics and are inspired to leave a mark (not Zuckerberg, the “noun” mark). Enneagram 9w1s are incredibly purposeful people that radiate self-control and wellness as it’s their main desire for everyone’s lives. Without a doubt, they are created for leaving a lasting impression within their passage on Earth.
Enneagram 9w1 Weaknesses
Enneagram 9w1 weaknesses are related to their difficulty in dealing with conflicts and expressing their feelings. This Enneagram type needs to understand how to set boundaries with other people and different situations and to not ignore the red flags. They can’t just remain silent to avoid conflict; this will only make it worse. Also, listening to their feelings and expressing them will help them better manage situations with all the information in-hand. Self-support must take self-repression’s place. Enneagram 9w1 types tend to be more critical of themselves than of others. This attitude undermines their self-esteem and lowers their potential.
How Enneagram 9w1 personalities like to work
Learning how each personality works gives us powerful insights. It helps us overcome different situations and improve our relationship potential. Let’s check some vital points to learn about Enneagram type 9 wing 1.
Communicating with an Enneagram 9w1
Keep the communication warm and honest. This will help them share their feelings and ideas and getting involved in team growth.
Meeting with an Enneagram 9w1
Refresh the goals and purposes and highlight the importance of their input in that process. Meetings need to be reassuring and relaxed.
Emailing an Enneagram 9w1
Keep the messages clear and accurate. Be concise about their task and seize the opportunity to talk about their concerns or analysis.
Giving Feedback to an Enneagram 9w1
When giving feedback, be calm and respectful. Address the ideals and good reasons that support your arguments and encourage them to get involve and light up the path.
Resolving Conflicts with an Enneagram 9w1
Be relaxed and make room for calm discussion. Always remember how important it is to create a great environment and share both sides.
Enneagram 9w1 Motivations
Enneagram 9w1 motivations are related to creating a peaceful atmosphere. If the conditions are set, they open themselves up to others and share incredibly smart points of view that deeply nurture performance while consolidating relationships. Relaxed and clear environments bring out the best in them.
Enneagram 9w1 Stress
Enneagram 9w1 stresses out when they face conflict, disappointment, and misunderstandings. Also, when they go unnoticed and nobody shows them gratitude, they feel really frustrated and isolated. Since they care about others and helping and reassuring them, they get stressed out if they can’t fulfill other people’s needs and end up neglecting their own.
Enneagram 9w1 Jobs
The most common jobs for Enneagram type 9 wing 1 are: Counselor, Nurse, Pharmacist, Veterinarian, Diplomat, Environmental Scientist, Museum Curator, Human Resources Director, or Religious Worker. Anything that allows them to make a legit impact while helping and comforting others is the best scenario for them. Hooray, Hooray for 9w1s!