Take The Free Enneagram Personality Test

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Enneagram 9 the Peacemaker

Discover Who You Truly Are

We all are excited to discover who we truly are. When we come across these kinds of tests that promise to reveal who we are, we feel curious. Curiosity is the normal response people have when they want to find out something new, or when they have a theory they want to confirm or refute. Curiosity tells us that we can always learn more than what we already know, which indicates to us the infinite path of knowledge.

Curiosity is a gift we all have and can develop more thoroughly throughout our lives. Given this, does it seem weird that we are intrigued about knowing ourselves better? I mean, we have lived all our lives with ourselves, being ourselves, or acting who we are. How is it possible that we still can’t acknowledge with blind faith who we are?

We can’t say who we are with the same confidence as we say that the sun rises from the East. But, ok, does the East really exist? Or is it just a social construction to order space and make human sense out of life?

Everything is about tales. We are tales that tell a version of ourselves. What version are we telling about ourselves? That’s what the enneagram will help us to discover. It’s not the end of the trail; it’s just a coordinate to transcend the tale and find out the meaning, the original sense, and the essence of the natural inner self.

How long does enneagram test take?

The Complete Free Enneagram test takes about 35 minutes to complete and it’s Free. It includes 180 questions and will help you determine your enneagram type with 90% effectiveness.

What is the Enneagram Universe test?

The Enneagram Universe test reveals the core enneatype of personality, thus providing a comprehensive profile of the individual, reflecting the influence of each of the nine enneatypes according to their behaviors and way of being. The test consists of 180 statements, where you will select the option that feels most familiar to you on a scale ranging from “almost never” to “almost always,” choosing the one that best describes your personality. The test typically takes approximately 35 minutes to complete.

Which Enneagram test is more accurate?

The Enneagram Universe is the most accurate Enneagram Personality Test made, and you can take it for free (Using the Enneagram Personality Test button)

What Enneagram type am I?

There are 9 enneagram test types. Each one is a manifestation of a particular profile with accentuated traits represented in their descriptive names. Discover yours, take the free Enneagram test, and locate your type in the Enneagram figure.

Self-discovery is healing. Because you can stop comparing yourself with others as you learn to understand your structure, like a story composition, everything starts making sense. Personal growth happens when you leap beyond your fears and expectations, when you transform and stop being just your personality to being the Real You.

What does an enneagram test tell you?

This Enneagram Test gives deep information about you. The Enneagram personality test reveals what your main motivation is as a person, shows how this affects your personal growth, what your biggest challenges are, and describes how your interactions with other personalities are.